Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: TTR427
GraphicsWindow.Show() 'Show the Graphic Window

GraphicsWindow.Title = "Hello world"

GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "Azure" 'The background color is Azure

Helloworld = Shapes.AddText("Hello world") 'Write the text Hello world in the Graphic Window
Ombre = Shapes.AddText("Hello world")

Shapes.SetOpacity(Ombre, 50)

Shapes.Move(Ombre, GraphicsWindow.Width / 2 - 33, GraphicsWindow.Height / 2 - 13)
Shapes.Move(Helloworld, GraphicsWindow.Width / 2 - 30, GraphicsWindow.Height /2 - 10) 'Put the text in the middle

Program.Delay(2000) 'Pause 2 sec

'Zoom the text
For i = 1 To 9 Step 0.1
Shapes.Zoom(Helloworld, i, i)
Shapes.Zoom(Ombre, i, i)

GraphicsWindow.MouseUp = Mouse_click

Sub Mouse_click
Program.End() 'Close