Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: BFQ294

Sub InitializeWindow
'Create the height and width of the window
Height = 500
Width = 400
GraphicsWindow.CanResize = 0 'Make it unresizable so that you can't resize it
'to make some sky appear in the middle of a field
GraphicsWindow.Height = Height
GraphicsWindow.Width = Width
GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue" 'Make it dark to give that wintry feeling
'Make some grass
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Green"
'Make some clouds
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
'Mark some events
GraphicsWindow.MouseDown = MouseDown
GraphicsWindow.MouseMove = MouseMove
Sub StartSimulation
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
While 1 = 1
index = index + 1 'Add one to 'index' so that we don't keep overwriting the same variable
GraphicsWindow.FontSize = Math.GetRandomNumber(15)+10 'Make the font size
'some reasonable size for the next snowflake
Snowflake[index] = Shapes.AddText("*") 'Add the snowflake
'Make the X and Y for the snowflake
X[index] = Math.GetRandomNumber(Width+GraphicsWindow.FontSize)-GraphicsWindow.FontSize
Y[index] = Math.GetRandomNumber(240)+Height-220
'Move the snowflake to its X but not its Y so that we can animate it later with no slant
Shapes.Move(Snowflake[index] , X[index] , -40)
'Animate the snowflake
Shapes.Animate(Snowflake[index] , X[index] , Y[index] , (Math.GetRandomNumber(5)+5)*100)
'Create a delay so as to not crush the CPU

Sub MouseMove
MouseX = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
MouseY = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
If id = 3 Then 'Check to see if the user has clicked three times which would end the triangle
'Remove all lines
For i = 1 To 3
'Redraw them
Line[1] = Shapes.AddLine( Point ["1 : X"], Point ["1 : Y"] , Point ["2 : X"] , Point ["2 : Y"] )
Line[2] = Shapes.AddLine( Point ["2 : X"], Point ["2 : Y"] , Point ["3 : X"] , Point ["3 : Y"] )
Line[3] = Shapes.AddLine( Point ["1 : X"], Point ["1 : Y"] , Point ["3 : X"] , Point ["3 : Y"] )
'Make those events do nothing
GraphicsWindow.MouseMove = Nothing
GraphicsWindow.MouseDown = Nothing
'And start calculations!
'Pythagorean theorem to calculate each side's length
A = Math.SquareRoot( Math.Power(Point ["1 : X"]-Point ["2 : X"] , 2) + Math.Power(Point ["1 : Y"]-Point ["2 : Y"] , 2) )
B = Math.SquareRoot( Math.Power(Point ["1 : X"]-Point ["3 : X"] , 2) + Math.Power(Point ["1 : Y"]-Point ["3 : Y"] , 2) )
C = Math.SquareRoot( Math.Power(Point ["2 : X"]-Point ["3 : X"] , 2) + Math.Power(Point ["2 : Y"]-Point ["3 : Y"] , 2) )
'Find the angles of the triangle
Angle[1] = Math.Round(Math.GetDegrees(Math.ArcCos((B*B+C*C-A*A)/(2*B*C))))
Angle[2] = Math.Round(Math.GetDegrees(Math.ArcCos((A*A+C*C-B*B)/(2*A*C))))
Angle[3] = Math.Round(Math.GetDegrees(Math.ArcCos((A*A+B*B-C*C)/(2*A*B))))
'And find the area now! (round it to leave off that unneccesary 12 digits behind it)
Area = Math.Round(0.5*A*B*Math.Sin(Math.GetRadians(Angle[3])))
'Move the text window to a good area
TextWindow.Left = GraphicsWindow.Left + Width + 20
'Display the area and other information
TextWindow.WriteLine("The area of the triangle you drew was "+Area+" square pixels.")
ElseIf id > 1 Then 'If the user has clicked more than once
'Remove the current line to redraw it
'Add a line from the last X and the last Y to the current X and the current Y
Line[id] = Shapes.AddLine( Point [ (id-1) +" : X"] , Point [ (id-1) +" : Y"] , Point [ id +" : X"] , Point [ id +" : Y"] )

Sub Nothing

Sub MouseDown
If id < 3 Then 'If the three points aren't already specified
id = id + 1 'Add one to the number of points
Point[id+" : X"] = MouseX 'Make that point's X
Point[id+" : Y"] = MouseY 'Make that point's Y
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Gray" 'Make the ellipse gray
Ellipse[id] = Shapes.AddEllipse(20,20) 'Create an ellipse to make the current point stand
'out a little
Shapes.Move(Ellipse[id] , Point [id + " : X"] - 10 , Point [id + " : Y"] - 10) 'Move the ellipse
'to the current point and center it
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White" 'Make the brush color white again so that the snowing
'simulation doesn't suddenly turn gray