Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: XPF900
' Draw Text / Draw Round Text
' Copyright © 2016 Nonki Takahashi. The MIT License.
' Challenge 2016-07

GraphicsWindow.Title = "Draw Text / Draw Round Text"
fs = 36
GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 40
GraphicsWindow.FontBold = "False"
txt = "1= How do I make my;2= text like this?;"
color = "1=RoyalBlue;2=HotPink;"
x = 14
y = 40
cx = gw / 2
cy = gh / 2 + 40

Sub Init
gw = 598
gh = 428
GraphicsWindow.Width = gw
GraphicsWindow.Height = gh
GraphicsWindow.FontName = "Trebuchet MS"
' width/height [%] of each character in Trebuchet MS font
ratio = "32=30;48=58;49=58;50=58;51=58;52=58;53=58;54=58;55=58;56=58;"
ratio = ratio + "57=58;63=37;65=63;66=59;67=61;68=64;69=57;70=58;71=67;"
ratio = ratio + "72=68;73=28;74=53;75=62;76=55;77=74;78=67;79=70;"
ratio = ratio + "80=59;81=71;82=61;83=51;84=61;85=68;86=62;87=88;"
ratio = ratio + "88=60;89=61;90=56;97=53;98=58;99=51;100=58;101=57;"
ratio = ratio + "102=37;103=50;104=59;105=30;106=37;107=55;108=29;"
ratio = ratio + "109=86;110=59;111=56;112=58;113=58;114=43;115=43;"
ratio = ratio + "116=39;117=59;118=53;119=78;120=55;121=53;122=53;"

Sub DrawText
' param txt - text array
' param color - text color array
' param i - index for txt
' param x, y - position

' draw each character
For i = 1 To 2
len[i] = Text.GetLength(txt[i])
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = color[i]
For p = 1 To len[i]
ch = Text.GetSubText(txt[i], p, 1)
fw = fs * ratio[Text.GetCharacterCode(ch)] / 100
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(x, y, ch)
x = x + fw

Sub DrawRoundText
' param txt - text array
' param color - text color array
' param i - index for txt
' param cx, cy - center position

' calculate width of each text in pixel
For i = 1 To 2
tw[i] = 0
len[i] = Text.GetLength(txt[i])
For p = 1 To len[i]
ch = Text.GetSubText(txt[i], p, 1)
fw = fs * ratio[Text.GetCharacterCode(ch)] / 100
tw[i] = tw[i] + fw

' caluculate radius
r = (tw[1] + tw[2]) / 2 / Math.Pi

' draw each character
For i = 1 To 2
a = -180 * tw[1] / (tw[1] + tw[2])
If i = 1 Then
sign = 1
alpha = 0
sign = -1
alpha = 180
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = color[i]
ch[1] = Text.GetSubText(txt[i], 1, 1)
fw[1] = fs * ratio[Text.GetCharacterCode(ch[1])] / 100
For p = 1 To len[i]
_a = Math.GetRadians(a)
ch[p + 1] = Text.GetSubText(txt[i], p + 1, 1)
fw[p + 1] = fs * ratio[Text.GetCharacterCode(ch[p + 1])] / 100
x = cx + (r + fs / 3) * Math.Sin(_a) - fw[p] / 2
y = cy - (r + fs / 3) * Math.Cos(_a) - fs / 2
shp = Shapes.AddText(ch[p])
Shapes.Move(shp, x, y)
Shapes.Rotate(shp, a + alpha)
a = a + sign * 360 * (fw[p] + fw[p + 1]) / 2 / (tw[1] + tw[2])