Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: RSH103
' Serpens 0.1
' Copyright (c) 2013 Nonki Takahashi. All rights reserved.
' History:
' 0.1 2013/01/03 Created. ()
' 0.0 2013/01/03 16:42:32 Generated by Shapes 1.5
' Reference:
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Serpens 0.1"
GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "Black"
num = Array.GetItemCount(edge)
index = Array.GetAllIndices(edge)
Shapes_Init() ' initialize shapes
scale = 1
Shapes_Draw() ' draw shapes
angle = 0
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 20
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "#002200"
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#002200"
For i = 1 To num
e = edge[index[i]]
m = Text.GetIndexOf(e, "-")
ra = ser[Text.GetSubText(e, 1, m - 1)]["RA"]
dec = ser[Text.GetSubText(e, 1, m - 1)]["Dec"]
x1 = x
y1 = y
ra = ser[Text.GetSubTextToEnd(e, m + 1)]["RA"]
dec = ser[Text.GetSubTextToEnd(e, m + 1)]["Dec"]
x2 = x
y2 = y
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(x2 - 10, y2 - 10, 20, 20)
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 1
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "Green"
For i = 1 To num
e = edge[index[i]]
m = Text.GetIndexOf(e, "-")
ra = ser[Text.GetSubText(e, 1, m - 1)]["RA"]
dec = ser[Text.GetSubText(e, 1, m - 1)]["Dec"]
x1 = x
y1 = y
ra = ser[Text.GetSubTextToEnd(e, m + 1)]["RA"]
dec = ser[Text.GetSubTextToEnd(e, m + 1)]["Dec"]
x2 = x
y2 = y
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
num = Array.GetItemCount(ser)
index = Array.GetAllIndices(ser)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
For i = 1 To num
ra = ser[index[i]]["RA"]
dec = ser[index[i]]["Dec"]
mag = ser[index[i]]["Mag"]
d = 20 / mag
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(x - d / 2, y - d / 2, d, d)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 30
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(40, 50, "A Happy New Year")
GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 40
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(40, 90, "2013")

' end of main
Sub DrawGrids
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 1
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "Gray"
y1 = 0
y2 = GraphicsWindow.Height
For ra = 15 To 19
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x, y1, x, y2)
x1 = 0
x2 = GraphicsWindow.Width
For dec = -20 To 20 Step 10
If dec > 0 Then
dec = Text.Append("+", Math.Abs(dec))
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x1, y, x2, y)
Sub RADec2XY
x = Text.GetSubText(ra, 1, 2)
x = x + Text.GetSubText(ra, 4, 2) / 60
x = x + Text.GetSubText(ra, 7, 5) / 3600
x = 610 - (x - 15) * 3600 / 24
y = Text.GetSubText(dec, 2, 2)
y = y + Text.GetSubText(dec, 5, 2) / 60
y = y + Text.GetSubText(dec, 8, 5) / 3600
y = y * Text.Append(Text.GetSubText(dec, 1, 1), "1")
y = 250 - y * 3600 / 360
Sub InitStars
' index: Flamsteed designation
' RA (Right ascension), Dec (Declination), Mag (Apparent magnitude)
ser[24] = "name=α Ser;RA=15 44 16.00;Dec=+06 25 31.9;Mag=2.63;"
ser[28] = "name=β Ser;RA=15 46 11.21;Dec=+15 25 18.9;Mag=3.65;"
ser[41] = "name=γ Ser;RA=15 56 26.99;Dec=+15 39 53.0;Mag=3.85;"
ser[13] = "name=δ Ser A;RA=15 34 48.19;Dec=+10 32 19.9;Mag=3.80;"
ser[37] = "name=ε Ser;RA=15 50 48.89;Dec=+04 28 39.3;Mag=3.71;"
ser[35] = "name=κ Ser;RA=15 48 44.41;Dec=+18 08 30.4;Mag=4.09;"
ser[32] = "name=μ Ser;RA=15 49 37.27;Dec=-03 25 48.5;Mag=3.54;"
ser["1o"] = "name=δ Oph;RA=16 14 20.77;Dec=-03 41 38.3;Mag=2.73;"
ser["2o"] = "name=ε Oph;RA=16 18 19.24;Dec=-04 41 33.4;Mag=3.23;"
ser["13o"] = "name=ζ Oph;RA=16 37 09.53;Dec=-10 34 01.7;Mag=2.54;"
ser["35o"] = "name=η Oph;RA=17 10 22.66;Dec=-15 43 30.5;Mag=2.43;"
ser[56] = "name=ο Ser;RA=17 41 24.92;Dec=-12 52 30.6;Mag=4.24;"
ser[58] = "name=η Ser;RA=18 21 18.92;Dec=-02 53 49.6;Mag=3.23;"
ser[63] = "name=θ2 Ser;RA=18 56 14.61;Dec=+04 12 07.4;Mag=4.98;"
edge = "5=28-35;7=35-41;6=41-28;2=28-13;1=13-24;3=24-37;4=37-32;"
edge = edge + "8=32-1o;9=1o-2o;10=2o-13o;11=13o-35o;12=35o-56;"
edge = edge + "13=56-58;14=58-63;"
Sub Shapes_Init
' Shapes | Initialize shapes data
' return shX, shY - current position of shapes
' return shape - array of shapes
shX = 356 ' x offset
shY = 44 ' y offset
shape = ""
shape[1] = "func=ell;x=47;y=0;width=99;height=64;bc=#002200;pw=0;"
shape[2] = "func=tri;x=0;y=20;x1=51;y1=0;x2=0;y2=25;x3=103;y3=25;bc=#000000;pw=0;"
shape[3] = "func=ell;x=91;y=11;width=21;height=22;bc=#000000;pw=0;"
Sub Shapes_Draw
' Shapes | Draw shapes as shapes data
' param shape - array of shapes
' param scale - to zoom
' return nShapes - number of shapes
' return shAngle - current angle of shapes
Stack.PushValue("local", i)
nShapes = Array.GetItemCount(shape)
s = scale
For i = 1 To nShapes
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = shape[i]["pw"] * s
If shape[i]["pw"] > 0 Then
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = shape[i]["pc"]
If shape[i]["func"] = "rect" Then
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = shape[i]["bc"]
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(shX + shape[i]["x"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y"] * s, shape[i]["width"]* s, shape[i]["height"] * s)
ElseIf shape[i]["func"] = "ell" Then
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = shape[i]["bc"]
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(shX + shape[i]["x"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y"] * s, shape[i]["width"]* s, shape[i]["height"] * s)
ElseIf shape[i]["func"] = "tri" Then
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = shape[i]["bc"]
GraphicsWindow.FillTriangle(shX + shape[i]["x"] * s + shape[i]["x1"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y"] * s + shape[i]["y1"] * s, shX + shape[i]["x"] * s + shape[i]["x2"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y"] * s + shape[i]["y2"] * s, shX + shape[i]["x"] * s + shape[i]["x3"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y"] * s + shape[i]["y3"] * s)
ElseIf shape[i]["func"] = "line" Then
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(shX + shape[i]["x1"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y1"] * s, shX + shape[i]["x2"] * s, shY + shape[i]["y2"] * s)
shape[i]["rx"] = shape[i]["x"]
shape[i]["ry"] = shape[i]["y"]
shAngle = 0
i = Stack.PopValue("local")