Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: RQB683
' 2012/09/07 8:09:40 Generated
' by Shapes Editor 0.2
x = 300 ' x offset
y = 20 ' y offset
s = 1.5 ' scale
a = -60 ' angle

Sub DrawShapes
Stack.PushValue("local", x)
Stack.PushValue("local", y)
Stack.PushValue("local", a)
Stack.PushValue("local", x0)
Stack.PushValue("local", y0)
x0 = x
y0 = y
a0 = a
cx = (376 - x0) / 2
cy = (391 - y0) / 2
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 2 * s
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "#000000"
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#999999"
x2 = 0
y2 = 172
w2 = 38
h2 = 84
oTri1 = Shapes.AddTriangle(19 * s, 0 * s, 0 * s, 84 * s, 38 * s, 84 * s)
Shapes.Move(oTri1, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oTri1, a0)
x2 = 129
y2 = 168
w2 = 38
h2 = 87
oTri2 = Shapes.AddTriangle(19 * s, 0 * s, 0 * s, 87 * s, 38 * s, 87 * s)
Shapes.Move(oTri2, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oTri2, a0)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#990000"
x2 = 15
y2 = 0
w2 = 132
h2 = 77
oTri3 = Shapes.AddTriangle(66 * s, 0 * s, 0 * s, 77 * s, 132 * s, 77 * s)
Shapes.Move(oTri3, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oTri3, a0)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#999999"
x2 = 13
y2 = 78
w2 = 137
h2 = 173
oRect4 = Shapes.AddRectangle(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oRect4, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oRect4, a0)
x2 = 64
y2 = 167
w2 = 37
h2 = 92
oTri5 = Shapes.AddTriangle(18 * s, 0 * s, 0 * s, 92 * s, 37 * s, 92 * s)
Shapes.Move(oTri5, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oTri5, a0)
x2 = 43
y2 = 88
w2 = 78
h2 = 77
oEll6 = Shapes.AddEllipse(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oEll6, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oEll6, a0)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#6699CC"
x2 = 56
y2 = 97
w2 = 57
h2 = 59
oEll7 = Shapes.AddEllipse(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oEll7, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oEll7, a0)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#999999"
x2 = 23
y2 = 230
w2 = 14
h2 = 14
oEll8 = Shapes.AddEllipse(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oEll8, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oEll8, a0)
x2 = 43
y2 = 232
w2 = 13
h2 = 13
oEll9 = Shapes.AddEllipse(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oEll9, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oEll9, a0)
x2 = 106
y2 = 231
w2 = 13
h2 = 13
oEll10 = Shapes.AddEllipse(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oEll10, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oEll10, a0)
x2 = 127
y2 = 231
w2 = 13
h2 = 14
oEll11 = Shapes.AddEllipse(w2 * s, h2 * s)
Shapes.Move(oEll11, x0 + x2 * s, y0 + y2 * s)
Shapes.Rotate(oEll11, a0)
y0 = Stack.PopValue("local")
x0 = Stack.PopValue("local")
a = Stack.PopValue("local")
y = Stack.PopValue("local")
x = Stack.PopValue("local")

Sub RotatePos
' param x2, y2 - position of a shape
' param w2, h2 - size of a shape
' param cx, cy - center of shapes
' param a0 - rotate angle
' return x2, y2 - rotated position of a shape
cx2 = x2 + w2 / 2
cy2 = y2 + h2 / 2
x = cx2 - cx
y = cy2 - cy
a2 = a + a0
x = r * Math.Cos(a2 * Math.Pi / 180)
y = r * Math.Sin(a2 * Math.Pi / 180)
cx2 = x + cx
cy2 = y + cy
x2 = cx2 - w2 / 2
y2 = cy2 - h2 / 2

Sub Math_CartesianToPolar
' param x, y - cartesian coordinate
' return r, a - polar coordinate
r = Math.SquareRoot(x * x + y * y)
If x = 0 And y > 0 Then
a = 90 ' [degree]
ElseIf x = 0 And y < 0 Then
a = -90
a = Math.ArcTan(y / x) * 180 / Math.Pi
If x < 0 Then
a = a + 180
ElseIf x > 0 And y < 0 Then
a = a + 360