Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: PTR695
'Make the tortoise go as fast as possible

'Change the width of the line the tortoise draws to 1 pixel

'Change the color of the line the tortoise draws to silver

'The current length of a line is 10 pixels

'The current zoom is 1

'Do the following 10 times

' WeaveOneLayer (recipe below)

' Change the zoom so it is multiplied by 1.3


'------------- Recipe for WeaveOneLayer

'Do the following 6 times

' DrawTriangle (recipe below)

' Turn the tortoise 1/6th of 360 degrees to the right

' Increase the length of the line by the current zoom


'------------- End of WeaveOneLayer recipe

'------------- Recipe for DrawTriangle

'Do the following 3 times

' Move the tortoise the length of a line

' Turn the tortoise 1/3rd of 360 degrees


'------------- End of DrawTriangle recipe