Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: PPT955-0
' Draw Pictogram
' Version 0.2
' Copyright © 2019 Nonki Takahashi. The MIT License.
' Last update 2019-04-17
' Program ID PPT955-0

GraphicsWindow.Title = "Pictogram - Handicapped Accesible Sign"
GraphicsWindow.Width = 600
GraphicsWindow.Height = 600
border = "#666666"
blue = "#155196"
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 2
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = border
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = blue
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 40
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.DrawEllipse(113, 246, 280, 280)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = blue
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(253, 216, 160, 160)
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 68
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = blue
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(212, 98, 228, 338)
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 40
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(212, 98, 228, 338)
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(188, 50, 87, 87)
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 84
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = blue
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(378, 306, 452, 490)
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 40
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "White"
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(379, 307, 452, 490)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(220, 250, 352, 250)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(208, 320, 396, 320)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(426, 480, 512, 447)

Sub GW_DrawRoundRectangle
' GraphicsWindow | draw round rectangle
' param x - co-ordinate of the rectangle
' param y - co-ordinate of the rectangle
' param width - of the rectangle
' param height - of the rectangle
' param border-radius
Stack.PushValue("local", param)
Stack.PushValue("local", local)
local = param
param = ""
param["r"] = local["border-radius"]
If (local["width"] / 2 < param["r"]) Or (local["height"] / 2 < param["r"]) Then
param["r"] = Math.Min(local["width"] / 2, local["height"] / 2)
param["da"] = 5
param["x"] = local["x"] + param["r"]
param["y"] = local["y"] + param["r"]
param["a1"] = 180
param["a2"] = 270
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(local["x"] + param["r"], local["y"], local["x"] + local["width"] - param["r"], local["y"])
param["x"] = local["x"] + local["width"] - param["r"]
param["y"] = local["y"] + param["r"]
param["a1"] = 270
param["a2"] = 360
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(local["x"] + local["width"], local["y"] + param["r"], local["x"] + local["width"], local["y"] + local["height"] - param["r"])
param["x"] = local["x"] + local["width"] - param["r"]
param["y"] = local["y"] + local["height"] - param["r"]
param["a1"] = 0
param["a2"] = 90
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(local["x"] + param["r"], local["y"] + local["height"], local["x"] + local["width"] - param["r"], local["y"] + local["height"])
param["x"] = local["x"] + param["r"]
param["y"] = local["y"] + local["height"] - param["r"]
param["a1"] = 90
param["a2"] = 180
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(local["x"], local["y"] + param["r"], local["x"], local["y"] + local["height"] - param["r"])
local = Stack.PopValue("local")
param = Stack.PopValue("local")

Sub GW_FillRoundRectangle
' GraphicsWindow | fill round rectangle
' param x - co-ordinate of the rectangle
' param y - co-ordinate of the rectangle
' param width - of the rectangle
' param height - of the rectangle
' param border-radius
Stack.PushValue("local", param)
If (param["width"] / 2 < param["border-radius"]) Or (param["height"] / 2 < param["border-radius"]) Then
param["border-radius"] = Math.Min(param["width"] / 2, param["height"] / 2)
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(param["x"], param["y"], param["border-radius"] * 2, param["border-radius"] * 2)
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(param["x"] + param["border-radius"], param["y"], param["width"] - param["border-radius"] * 2, param["height"])
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(param["x"] + param["width"] - param["border-radius"] * 2, param["y"], param["border-radius"] * 2, param["border-radius"] * 2)
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(param["x"], param["y"] + param["border-radius"], param["width"], param["height"] - param["border-radius"] * 2)
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(param["x"], param["y"] + param["height"] - param["border-radius"] * 2, param["border-radius"] * 2, param["border-radius"] * 2)
GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse(param["x"] + param["width"] - param["border-radius"] * 2, param["y"] + param["height"] - param["border-radius"] * 2, param["border-radius"] * 2, param["border-radius"] * 2)
param = Stack.PopValue("local")

Sub GW_DrawArc
' GraphicsWindow | draw arc
' param x - co-ordinate of the center
' param y - co-ordinate of the center
' param a1 - start angle
' param a2 - end angle
Stack.PushValue("local", param)
Stack.PushValue("local", local)
Stack.PushValue("local", a)
local = param
param = ""
local["pw"] = GraphicsWindow.PenWidth
local["pc"] = GraphicsWindow.PenColor
local["bc"] = GraphicsWindow.BrushColor
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = local["pc"]
local["r1"] = local["r"] - local["pw"] / 2
local["r2"] = local["r"] + local["pw"] / 2
For a = local["a1"] To local["a2"] Step local["da"]
local["rad"] = Math.GetRadians(a)
param["x1"] = local["x"] + local["r1"] * Math.Cos(local["rad"])
param["y1"] = local["y"] + local["r1"] * Math.Sin(local["rad"])
param["x2"] = local["x"] + local["r2"] * Math.Cos(local["rad"])
param["y2"] = local["y"] + local["r2"] * Math.Sin(local["rad"])
If local["a1"] < a Then
param["x4"] = param["x1"]
param["y4"] = param["y1"]
param["x3"] = param["x2"]
param["y3"] = param["y2"]
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = local["bc"]
a = Stack.PopValue("local")
local = Stack.PopValue("local")
param = Stack.PopValue("local")

Sub GW_FillQuadrangle
' GraphicsWindow | fill quadrangle
' param x1 - the x co-ordinate of the first point
' param y1 - the y co-ordinate of the first point
' param x2 - the x co-ordinate of the second point
' param y2 - the y co-ordinate of the second point
' param x3 - the x co-ordinate of the third point
' param y3 - the y co-ordinate of the third point
' param x4 - the x co-ordinate of the fourth point
' param y4 - the y co-ordinate of the fourth point
GraphicsWindow.FillTriangle(param["x1"], param["y1"], param["x2"], param["y2"], param["x3"], param["y3"])
GraphicsWindow.FillTriangle(param["x3"], param["y3"], param["x4"], param["y4"], param["x1"], param["y1"])