Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: NZT505
' Fill Polygon 0.1
' Small Basic version ported by Nonki Takahashi.
' Numbers such as (3.8) in comment mean algorithm numbers the book [1].
' Leading _ is added to non user routine name.
' This version neglects normalization co-ordinate, only uses screen co-ordinate.
' History:
' 0.1 2014-03-12 Created. ()
' Reference:
' [1] Steve Harington, COMPUTER GRAPHICS A Programming Aproach, McGraw-Hill, 1983
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Fill Polygon 0.1"
gw = 598
gh = 428
GraphicsWindow.Width = gw
GraphicsWindow.Height = gh
scanDecrement = 1
ROUNDOFF = Math.Power(10, -20)
DFSIZE = 100
free = 1
solid = "True"
ax = "1=300;2=100;3=170;4=250;5=400;"
ay = "1=50;2=160;3=300;4=220;5=370;"
n = Array.GetItemCount(ax)
start = 1
count = 1
Sub _PutPoint
' (2.1) wirte a complete command to display file
' param op, x, y - command to be written
' global dfOp, dfX, dfY - display file
' global free - position to next null cell
' constant DFSIZE - length of display file array
If DFSIZE < free Then
msg = "Error: Display file full"
dfOp[free] = op
dfX[free] = x
dfY[free] = y
free = free + 1
EndSub ' _PutPoint
Sub _GetPoint
' (2.2 revised) Read Nth Command from Display File
' param nth - address of command to read
' return op, x, y - command to be read
' global dfOp, dfX, dfY - display file
op = dfOp[nth]
x = dfX[nth]
y = dfY[nth]
EndSub ' _GetPoint
Sub _DisplayFileEnter
' (2.3) Create a Command Combined with Operation and Pen Position and Save it to Display File
' param op - operation to be filed
' global dfPenX, dfPenY - current position of pen
x = dfPenX
y = dfPenY
EndSub ' _DisplayFileEnter
Sub LineAbs2
' (2.5) Save Command to Draw Line
' param x, y - target co-ordinate to draw line
' global dfPenX, dfPenY - current pen position
dfPenX = x
dfPenY = y
op = 2
EndSub ' LineAbs2
Sub _DoMove
' (2.8 revised) Execute to Move Pen
' param x, y - point for pen moving to
' global framePenX, framePenY - point (screen co-ordinate)
framePenX = x
framePenY = y
EndSub ' _DoMove
Sub _DoLine
' (2.9 revised) Execute to Draw Line
' param x, y - point for pen moving to
' global framePenX, framePenY - point (screen co-ordinate)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(framePenX, framePenY, x, y)
framePenX = x
framePenY = y
EndSub ' _DoLine
Sub PolygonAbs2
' (3.1) Write Polygon to Display File
' param n - number of edges for the polygon
' param ax, ay - array of vertices for the polygon
' global dfPenX, dfPenY - current pen position
' local i - stepping across edges for the polygon
If n < 3 Or 31 < n Then
msg = "Error: Polygon sides error"
op = n
dfPenX = ax[n]
dfPenY = ay[n]
For i = 1 To n
x = ax[i]
y = ay[i]
EndSub ' PolygonAbs2
Sub _Error
EndSub ' _Error
Sub _Interpret
' (3.6) Scan Display File and Execute Commands
' param start - first address to scan display file
' param count - number of commands to be executed
' local nth - address in display file
' local op, x, y - display file command
' loop to execute all commands needed
For nth = start To start + count - 1
_GetPoint() ' revised version
If op = 1 Then
ElseIf op = 2 Then
ElseIf op <= 31 Then
index = nth
nth = index
EndSub ' _Interpret
Sub _DoPolygon
' (3.7) Execute Polygon Command
If solid Then
EndSub ' _DoPolygon
Sub _FillPolygon
' (3.8) Fill Polygon
' param op, x, y - polygon command
' param index - position of command in display file
' global yMax - maximum y array for each edge of the polygon
' global scanDecrement - displacement for scan line
' local edges - number of edges to process
' local scan - y co-ordinate of scan line
' local startEdge, endEdge - edges crossing the scan line
' load information about vertices of the polygon
_LoadPolygon() ' revised version
' enough edges to consider?
If edges < 2 Then
msg = "Waring: one or no edge"
Goto return
' set scan line
scan = yMax[1]
' initialize the numbers for start and end edges to process
startEdge = 1
endEdge = 1
' fill polygon
' get a new edge included in scan step
lastEdge = edges
' determine intersection point with scan line, and remove processed edge
' repeat until all edges are processed
While startEdge < endEdge
' fill scan line
scan = scan - scanDecrement
EndSub ' _FillPolygon
Sub _LoadPolygon
' (3.9 revised) Read Information about Polygon Edges and Convert to the Screen Co-ordinate
' param op, x, y - polygon command
' param index - display file address for the command
' return edges - saved number of edges
' global widthStart, heightStart - address for start point of the screen
' global width, height - size of the screen
' constant ROUNDOFF - small number greater than any round-off error
' local x1, y1, x2, y2 - end points of the edge in actual screen co-ordinate
' local k - stepping across the edges of the polygon
' set start point for an edge
x1 = x
' adjust y co-ordinate to be at middle of the scan line
y1 = y + 0.5
' initialize the number of edges to save
edges = 0
' loop to get information of each edge
For k = index + 1 To index + op
' get next vertex
nth = k
Stack.PushValue("local", op)
_GetPoint() ' revised version
op = Stack.PopValue("local")
x2 = x
y2 = y + 0.5
' examine whether a horizontal line
If ROUNDOFF < Math.Abs(y1 - y2) Then
' increment saved number of edge data
edges = edges + 1
' save edge data in decending order of the y
j = edges
' old points are reset
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
EndSub ' _LoadPolygon
Sub _PolyInsert
' (3.10) Sort and Write Edges Information of the Polygon
' param j - insert number
' param x1, y1, x2, y2 - both ends of the edge
' global yMax, yMin, xa, dx - arrays for edges information
' local j1 - stepping across the saved edges
' local yM - maximum y for new edge
' insert maximum y into sorted global arrays
j1 = j
' find maximum y
yM = Math.Max(y1, y2)
' find appropriate insert place and shift entries
While 1 < j1 And yMax[j1 - 1] < yM
yMax[j1] = yMax[j1 - 1]
yMin[j1] = yMin[j1 - 1]
xa[j1] = xa[j1 - 1]
dx[j1] = dx[j1 - 1]
j1 = j1 - 1
' insert edge information
yMax[j1] = yM
dx[j1] = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
If y2 < y1 Then
yMin[j1] = y2
xa[j1] = x1
yMin[j1] = y1
xa[j1] = x2
EndSub ' _PolyInsert
Sub _Include
' (3.11) include edges newly across with the scan line into consideration set
' param endEdge - current last element number
' param lastEdge - last edge number
' param scan - current position of the scan line
' global yMax, xa, dx - arrays for edges information
' local scanDecrement - displacement for the scan line
While endEdge <= lastEdge And scan <= yMax[endEdge]
' restore start point to last scan line position
xa[endEdge] = xa[endEdge] + dx[endEdge] * (scanDecrement + scan - yMax[endEdge])
' memory x displacement for a scan
dx[endEdge] = dx[endEdge] * -scanDecrement
endEdge = endEdge + 1
EndSub ' _Include
Sub _UpdateXValues
' (3.12) Update Intersection Points between Scan Line and the Edges
' param endEdge, startEdge - current limit in the list
' param scan - current scan line
' global yMin, xa, dx - arrays for edges information
' local k - stepping across edges
' local i - stepping across shifted up edges
For k = startEdge To endEdge - 1
If yMin[k] < scan Then
xa[k] = xa[k] + dx[k]
startEdge = startEdge + 1
If startEdge <= k Then
For i = k To startEdge Step -1
yMin[i] = yMin[i - 1]
xa[i] = xa[i - 1]
dx[i] = dx[i - 1]
EndSub ' _UpdateXValues
Sub _XSort
' (3.13 revised) Check Order of X Co-ordinate for Intersection Points
' param startEdge - first number of considered edge
' param k - edge number to check the order
' global yMin, xa, dx - arrays of edges information
' local l - stepping across the edges
l = k
While startEdge < l And xa[l] < xa[l - 1]
_Exchange() ' revised version
l = l - 1
EndSub ' _XSort
Sub _Exchange
' (3.14 revised) Exchange Two Parameters
' param l - stepping across the edges
' global yMin, xa, dx - arrays of edges information
' local t - temporary memory
t = yMin[l]
yMin[l] = yMin[l - 1]
yMin[l - 1] = t
t = xa[l]
xa[l] = xa[l - 1]
xa[l - 1] = t
t = dx[l]
dx[l] = dx[l - 1]
dx[l - 1] = t
EndSub ' _Exchange
Sub _FillScan
' (3.15) Fill Scan Line
' param startEdge, endEdge - edges intersecting the scan line
' param scan - position of scan line
' global xa - array of intersection points between edges and the scan line
' local j - stepping across the edges
j = startEdge
While j < endEdge
x1 = xa[j]
x2 = xa[j + 1]
y = scan
j = j + 2
EndSub ' _FillScan
Sub _FillIn
' Fill in the Given Horizontal Line
' param x1
' param x2
' param y
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(x1, y, x2 - x1 + 1, 1)