Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: KXL619
' Center of the graphics window.
w = GraphicsWindow.Width / 2
h = GraphicsWindow.Height / 2

' Draw the "H" in "Hi!"
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w, h, w, h + 40)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w, h + 20, w + 20, h + 20)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w + 20, h, w + 20, h + 40)

' Draw the "i" in "Hi!"
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w + 30, h + 10, w + 30, h + 15)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w + 30, h + 20, w + 30, h + 40)

' Draw the "!" in "Hi!"
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w + 40, h, w + 40, h + 30)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(w + 40, h + 35, w + 40, h + 40)