Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: JPN513
' this is some samples for music
' by YLeduc

' this command will play the note C in the 5th Octave of a piano for a WHOLE note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O5 L1 C")

' this command will play the note D in the 5th Octave of a piano for a HALF note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O5 L2 D")

' this command will play the note E in the 5th Octave of a piano for a QUARTER note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O5 L4 E")

' this command will play the note F in the 5th Octave of a piano for a EIGHTHT note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O5 L8 F")

' this command will play the note G in the 5th Octave of a piano for a Sixteenth note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O5 L16 G")

' this command will play the note D in the 3th Octave of a piano for a WHOLE note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O3 L1 D")

' this command will play the note D sharp in the 3th Octave of a piano for a WHOLE note
Sound.PlayMusic ("O3 L1 D#")

' this command will play the note C simultanously with G
' BASS note is in the 3th Octave , while the HIGHT note is in the 5th octvae of a piano for a WHOLE note

chord="O3 L64 C"+" O5 L64 G"
note=" O5 L1 G"
Sound.PlayMusic (chord+note)