Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: FGM769-0
' Simple Donkey Kong 0.2a
' Small Basic version written by Nonki Takahashi.
' History:
' 0.2a 2014-03-10 Barrel demo without friction. (FGM769-0)
' 0.1a 2014-03-08 Created only for graphics. (FGM769)
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Simple Donkey Kong 0.2a"
g = 9.8 ' [m/s^2]
dt = 1 / 30 ' [s]
pxpm = 100 ' [pixel/m]
pslope[1] = "x1=0;y1=50;x2=540;y2=70;height=20;pitch=10;color=DeepPink;"
pslope[2] = "x1=60;y1=180;x2=600;y2=160;height=20;pitch=10;color=DeepPink;"
pslope[3] = "x1=0;y1=270;x2=540;y2=290;height=20;pitch=10;color=DeepPink;"
pslope[4] = "x1=300;y1=408;x2=600;y2=380;height=20;pitch=10;color=DeepPink;"
pslope[5] = "x1=0;y1=408;x2=300;y2=408;height=20;pitch=10;color=DeepPink;"
ns = Array.GetItemCount(pslope)
For i = 1 To ns
param = pslope[i]
param = "x=10;y=10;m=5000;e=0.64;"
Timer.Interval = dt * 1000
Timer.Tick = OnTick
Sub OnTick
n = barrel["num"]
m = slope["num"]
For i = 1 To n
ax = 0
ay = g
barrel[i]["vx"] = barrel[i]["vx"] + ax * dt * pxpm
barrel[i]["vy"] = barrel[i]["vy"] + ay * dt * pxpm
barrel[i]["x"] = barrel[i]["x"] + barrel[i]["vx"] * dt
barrel[i]["y"] = barrel[i]["y"] + barrel[i]["vy"] * dt
xo = barrel[i]["x"] + 16
yo = barrel[i]["y"] + 16
e = barrel[i]["e"]
For j = 1 To m
a = slope[j]["a"]
b = slope[j]["b"]
c = slope[j]["c"]
d = Math.Abs(a * xo + b * yo + c) / Math.SquareRoot(a * a + b * b)
If d <= 16 And slope[j]["x1"] <= xo And xo <= slope[j]["x2"] Then
x = barrel[i]["vx"]
y = barrel[i]["vy"]
a = slope[j]["ss"] * 2 - a
vx = r * Math.Cos(Math.GetRadians(a))
vy = r * Math.Sin(Math.GetRadians(a))
dv = Math.SquareRoot(Math.Power((vx - x), 2) + Math.Power((vy - y), 2))
barrel[i]["vx"] = (vx - x) * e / 2 + (vx + x) / 2
barrel[i]["vy"] = (vy - y) * e / 2 + (vy + y) / 2
barrel[i]["x"] = barrel[i]["x"] + (vx - x) * (16 - d) / dv * e * e
barrel[i]["y"] = barrel[i]["y"] + (vy - y) * (16 - d) / dv * e * e
l = barrel[i]["x"]
If l < 0 Then
barrel[i]["x"] = -l * e * e
barrel[i]["vx"] = -barrel[i]["vx"] * e
r = barrel[i]["x"] + 32
If gw < r Then
barrel[i]["x"] = barrel[i]["x"] - 2 * (r - gw) * e * e
barrel[i]["vx"] = -barrel[i]["vx"] * e
h = gh - (barrel[i]["y"] + 32)
If h < 0 Then
barrel[i]["y"] = barrel[i]["y"] + h * e * e
barrel[i]["vy"] = -barrel[i]["vy"] * e
Shapes.Move(barrel[i]["obj"], barrel[i]["x"], barrel[i]["y"])
Sub Barrel_Add
' param["x"] - left co-ordinate
' param["y"] - top co-ordinate
' param["m"] - mass of barrel [g]
' param["e"] - coefficient of resititution
n = barrel["num"]
n = n + 1
barrel["num"] = n
barrel[n]["m"] = param["m"]
barrel[n]["e"] = param["e"]
url = ""
x = param["x"]
y = param["y"]
barrel[n]["obj"] = Shapes.AddImage(url)
Shapes.SetOpacity(barrel[n]["obj"], 100)
barrel[n]["x"] = x
barrel[n]["y"] = y
Shapes.Move(barrel[n]["obj"], x, y)
barrel[n]["vx"] = 0
barrel[n]["vy"] = 0
barrel[n]["vr"] = 0
barrel[n]["r"] = 0
Sub Slope_Add
' param["x1"] - top-left x co-ordinate
' param["y1"] - top-left y co-ordinate
' param["x2"] - top-right x co-ordinate
' param["y2"] - top-right y co-ordinate
' param["height"] - height of slope
' param["pitch"] - x pitch for diagonal brace
' param["color"] - color of slop
' return slope
n = slope["num"]
n = n + 1
slope["num"] = n
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = param["color"]
x1 = param["x1"]
y1 = param["y1"]
x2 = param["x2"]
y2 = param["y2"]
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
slope[n]["x1"] = x1
slope[n]["y1"] = y1
slope[n]["x2"] = x2
slope[n]["y2"] = y2
x = x2 - x1
y = y2 - y1
slope[n]["ss"] = a
slope[n]["a"] = y
slope[n]["b"] = -x
slope[n]["c"] = -y * x1 + x * y1
x3 = x1
y3 = y1 + param["height"]
x4 = x2
y4 = y2 + param["height"]
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x3, y3, x4, y4)
slope[n]["x3"] = x3
slope[n]["y3"] = y3
slope[n]["x4"] = x4
slope[n]["y4"] = y4
pitch = param["pitch"]
up = "False"
For x5 = x1 To x2 - pitch Step pitch
x6 = x5 + pitch
If up Then
y5 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x5 - x1) / (x2 - x1)
y6 = y3 + (y4 - y3) * (x6 - x3) / (x4 - x3)
y5 = y3 + (y4 - y3) * (x5 - x3) / (x4 - x3)
y6 = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x6 - x1) / (x2 - x1)
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(x5, y5, x6, y6)
up = Not[up]
Sub Init
gw = 598
gh = 428
GraphicsWindow.Width = gw
GraphicsWindow.Height = gh
GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "Black"
Not = "True=False;False=True;"
Sub Math_CartesianToPolar
' Math | convert cartesian coodinate to polar coordinate
' param x, y - cartesian coordinate
' return r, a - polar coordinate
r = Math.SquareRoot(x * x + y * y)
If x = 0 And y > 0 Then
a = 90 ' [degree]
ElseIf x = 0 And y < 0 Then
a = -90
a = Math.ArcTan(y / x) * 180 / Math.Pi
If x < 0 Then
a = a + 180
ElseIf x > 0 And y < 0 Then
a = a + 360