Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: CWC005-0
'Maze in 50 by Nik Coughlin -- Cleanup pushing it past 50 lines by codingCat aka Matthew L. Parets
gameLength = 20 'game starts with a length of 20 seconds
blocksize = 24 'Size of each section of the maze
viewsize = 18 'Number of sections visible on screen
score = 0 'a point for each star collected
GraphicsWindow.Height = blocksize * viewsize 'resize the window to exactly the size of the visible portion of the maze
GraphicsWindow.Width = blocksize * viewsize
playerX = 0 'initial player location
playerY = 0
maze[ playerX ][ playerY ] = "·" 'set the square of the maze at the player location to be empty so that it will always draw the first time through
GraphicsWindow.FontSize = blocksize 'increase/decrease this to make the squares bigger/smaller
GraphicsWindow.KeyUp = Move 'move when the player releases the key so that they have to press it once for each movement
Move() 'call move to draw the game for the first time otherwise screen will be blank until they press a key
Timer.Interval = 100 'Update the score with the timer every 1/10 of a second
Timer.Tick = updatescore
start = Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds 'Game last for 20 seconds with a half second extension for each point earned
While ((Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds - start) / 1000) <= (gameLength)
Timer.Interval = 1000000 'shutdown score update after game is over
GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Final Score: " + score,"Game over")

Sub Move
newX = playerX 'make a copy of the player's current location
newY = playerY
If ( GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Up" ) Then 'check if the player is moving and if so change the copy of the location accordingly
newY = newY - 1
ElseIf ( GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Down" ) Then
newY = newY + 1
ElseIf ( GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Left" ) Then
newX = newX - 1
ElseIf ( GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Right" ) Then
newX = newX + 1
chkX = newX
chkY = newY 'set location to the new position
CheckMazeAtLocation() 'the square of maze at this location might not have been created yet
If ( maze[ newX ][ newY ] <> "■" ) Then 'only update position and draw if they're not trying to move into a wall
If( maze[ newX ][ newY ] = "☆" ) Then 'if the player walked onto a star...
score = score + 1 'give them a point
gameLength = gameLength + 0.5
maze[ newX ][ newY ] = "·" 'remove the star and place an empty floor here instead
playerX = newX 'update the player location
playerY = newY
For y = 0 To (viewsize-1) 'draw a section of the maze that is 18 x 18 tiles in size
For x = 0 to (viewsize-1)
chkX = ( x - 9 + playerX ) 'turn x and y into a location relative to the player
chkY = ( y - 9 + playerY )
CheckMazeAtLocation() 'the part of the maze at this location might not have been created yet
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "MidnightBlue" 'clearing each square individually flickers less than a GraphicsWindow.Clear()
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle( x * GraphicsWindow.FontSize, y * GraphicsWindow.FontSize, blocksize, GraphicsWindow.FontSize )
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "PaleGreen" 'draw the maze square at this location
GraphicsWindow.DrawText( x * GraphicsWindow.FontSize, y * GraphicsWindow.FontSize, maze[ chkX ][ chkY ] )
GraphicsWindow.DrawText( 9 * GraphicsWindow.FontSize, 9 * GraphicsWindow.FontSize, "☻" ) 'draw the player
updateScore() 'draw the score in the title bar

Sub CheckMazeAtLocation 'check if the maze is empty at this location and if it is then randomly pick a tile to place here
found = "False"
If (maze[chkX][chkY] = "☆" Or maze[chkX][chkY] = "■" Or maze[chkX][chkY] = "·") then
found = "True"
If (found = "False") then
If ( Math.GetRandomNumber( 100 ) = 1 ) Then
maze[ chkX ][ chkY ] = "☆" 'star - increases your score
ElseIf ( Math.GetRandomNumber( 4 ) = 1 ) Then
maze[ chkX ][ chkY ] = "■" 'wall - a square you can't move through
maze[ chkX ][ chkY ] = "·" 'floor - a square you can move over

Sub updateScore 'Update the score and the timer
status = "Score: " + score
status = status + " -- Time Remaining: "
elapsedSeconds = ((Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds - start) / 1000)
timeLeft = gameLength - elapsedSeconds
status = status + Math.Round(timeLeft * 10) / 10 'round to nearest 1/10 of a second
GraphicsWindow.Title = status