Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: BKM132-0
' Word List 0.9
' Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Nonki Takahashi.
' History:
' 0.9 2014-05-13 Translated to English (209 lines, BKM132-0)
' 0.8 2010-06-29 Added operator to delimiter (208 lines)
' 0.7 2010-06-23 Removed performance test, rewrote comments (205 lines, BKM132)
' 0.6 2010-06-14 Performance upgrade (313 lines, program ID HBQ757)
' 0.5 2010-06-12 Added performance test (232 lines, program ID XLQ213)
' 0.4 2010-06-10 Completed (175 lines, program ID XFX546)
' 0.3 2010-06-09 Output word list (111 lines, program ID LDG385)
' 0.2 2010-05-05 Under debbuging (37 lines)
' 0.1 2010-05-05 Initial version: only pseudo code (11 lines)
' character code for tab
TAB = 9
' character code for double quotation mark
' initialze word list pointer
ptr[0] = 1
' get filename from keyboard
TextWindow.Write("File name? ")
filename = TextWindow.Read()
' initialize line number
lno = 1
' initialize word number
wno = 0
' read a line from input file
' The following line could be harmful and has been automatically commented.
' line = File.ReadLine(filename, lno)
' repeat the block in { } until EOF comes
While (line <> "")
' {
' write the line with line number
TextWindow.WriteLine(lno + " " + line)
' get separator between words from line
' get a word from line
' repeat the block in { } until EOL comes
While (word <> "")
' {
' register given word to the word list
' get separator between words from line
' get a word from line
' }
' count up line number
lno = lno + 1
' read a line from input file
' The following line could be harmful and has been automatically commented.
' line = File.ReadLine(filename, lno)
' }
' print the word list
Sub GetWord
' Get word from line
' param line
' work c - character
' return line - remaining characters in the line
' return word
word = ""
While (line <> "")
c = Text.GetSubText(line, 1, 1)
If (c = " " Or Text.GetCharacterCode(c) = TAB Or c = "," Or c = ";" Or c = ":" Or c = ".") Then
Goto endword
ElseIf (Text.GetCharacterCode(c) = WQUOTE Or c = "(" Or c = ")" Or c = "[" Or c = "]") Then
Goto endword
ElseIf (c = "<" Or c = ">" Or c = "+" Or c = "-" Or c = "*" Or c = "/" Or c = "=") Then
Goto endword
line = Text.GetSubText(line, 2, Text.GetLength(line) - 1)
word = word + c
Sub GetSeparator
' Get separator between words in line
' param line
' work s - separator
' work space - "True" if there is space, tab or other delimiters
' return separator
separator = ""
space = "False"
While (line <> "")
s = Text.GetSubText(line, 1, 1)
While (s = " " Or Text.GetCharacterCode(s) = TAB)
line = Text.GetSubText(line, 2, Text.GetLength(line) - 1)
s = Text.GetSubText(line, 1, 1)
space = "True"
If (Text.GetCharacterCode(s) = WQUOTE Or s = "," Or s = ";" Or s = ":" Or s = "." Or s = "(" Or s = ")" Or s = "[" Or s = "]" Or s ="<" Or s = ">" Or s = "+" Or s = "-" Or s = "*" Or s = "/" Or s = "=") Then
line = Text.GetSubText(line, 2, Text.GetLength(line) - 1)
separator = separator + s
Goto endseparator
If (separator = "" And space) Then
separator = " "
Sub InsertWordList
' Insert a word to the word list
' param word
' param ptr - pointer to the next entry in word list
' param wordlist - array for word list
' param lnolist - array for line number list
' param wno - registered number of words
' work lastptr - pointer to the previous entry
' work currentptr - pointer to the current entry
' work i - index for word list
' work j - counter for entry
' return ptr - updated pointer to next entry in word list
' return wordlist - updated array for word list
' return lnolist - updated array for line number list
' return wno - updated number of words
lastptr = 0
currentptr = ptr[lastptr]
For j = 1 To wno
i = currentptr
' compare word and wordlist[i]
' if word < wordlist[i] then
If (cwresult = "<") Then
Goto exitiwl
lastptr = currentptr
currentptr = ptr[lastptr]
' insert word and line number at index i
ptr[lastptr] = wno + 1
ptr[wno + 1] = currentptr
wordlist[wno + 1] = word
lnolist[wno + 1] = lno
wno = wno + 1
Sub PrintWordList
' Print word list to display (text window)
' param ptr - pointer to the next entry in word list
' param wordlist - array for word list
' param lnolist - array for line number list
' param wno - registered number of words
' work i - index to word list
' work j - counter for entry
' work currentword
' work lower - word converted into lower case letters
' work lastptr - pointer to the previous entry in word list
' word currentptr - pointer to the current entry
lastptr = 0
currentptr = ptr[lastptr]
currentword = ""
For j = 1 To wno
i = currentptr
lower = Text.ConvertToLowerCase(wordlist[i])
If (lower = currentword) Then
' output only line numbers while continuing the current word
TextWindow.Write(", " + lnolist[i])
' output word ... line number when new word appears
TextWindow.Write(wordlist[i] + " ... " + lnolist[i])
currentword = lower
lastptr = currentptr
currentptr = ptr[lastptr]
Sub CompareWord
' Compare word with wordlist[i]
' param word
' param wordlist - array for word list
' param i - index to the word list
' work k - character position in the word to compare
' work l, l1, l2 - length of words to compare
' work w1, w2 - words to compare
' work c1, c2 - characters to compare
' return cwresult - result: ">", "=" or "<"
w1 = Text.ConvertToLowerCase(word)
w2 = Text.ConvertToLowerCase(wordlist[i])
l1 = Text.GetLength(w1)
l2 = Text.GetLength(w2)
l = Math.Min(l1, l2)
For k = 1 To l
c1 = Text.GetCharacterCode(Text.GetSubText(w1, k, 1))
c2 = Text.GetCharacterCode(Text.GetSubText(w2, k, 1))
If (c1 > c2) Then
cwresult = ">"
Goto cwexit
ElseIf (c1 < c2) Then
cwresult = "<"
Goto cwexit
If (l1 > l2) Then
cwresult = ">"
ElseIf (l1 < l2) Then
cwresult = "<"
cwresult = "="