Microsoft Small Basic

Program Listing: QDH330
TextWindow.Title = "Text Challenge 2 - November 2012"
TextWindow.Top = 0
TextWindow.Left = 0
TextWindow.ForegroundColor = "DarkGreen"

TextWindow.WriteLine("(C) Joman. Version 1.0")
TextWindow.Write("Welcome! What is your name? ")
name = TextWindow.Read()
TextWindow.WriteLine("How are you today, " + name + "?")
TextWindow.Write("Press 1 for Great!, 2 for Okay, or 3 for Not Very Good: ")
mood = TextWindow.ReadNumber()
If mood = "1" Then
TextWindow.Write("That's good! I am glad to hear that! So, tell me, " + name + ", what is your hobby? ")
hobby = TextWindow.Read()
Goto Next
ElseIf mood = "2" Then
TextWindow.Write("You're feeling only 'okay'? What's your hobby? That might cheer you up! ")
hobby = TextWindow.Read()
Goto Next
ElseIf mood = "3" then
TextWindow.Write("I am sorry to hear that, " + name + "! Maybe your hobby would make you feel better! What is your hobby? ")
hobby = TextWindow.Read()
Goto Next
TextWindow.Write("Please input a valid number: ")
TextWindow.Write("Where do you live? ")
live = TextWindow.Read()
TextWindow.WriteLine("So you " + hobby + " in/at " + live + "? Sounds interesting!")
TextWindow.Write("What time is it? (HH:MM AM/PM) [Write with colon ':'] ")
Time = TextWindow.Read()
TextWindow.WriteLine("Here is your overview:")
TextWindow.WriteLine("Your name is " + name + ", who lives in/at " + live + ", where you " + hobby + " at " + Time + ".")
TextWindow.Write("It has been great talking to you, " + name + "! Bye.")